Customise Spam Filtering
How do I customise Spam Filtering?
Spam settings can be customised on a global (domain wide) or per user basis.
For global settings:
Click the domain name in the top navigation bar first
And for per-user settings select the user from the drop-down in the top navigation bar.
- Customising Filtering
Spam filtering is customised via the Spam Settings -> Filter, Black and Whitelists section of the MailWall dashboard.
- Filter Strength
Determines how strict the filter will be. The bar can be slid from 0 - 100 with 100 being maximum strength.
By default the filter strength is set to 50.
Increasing the strength of the filter may result in misclassification of good emails as Spam.
- How to deal with Spam?
Determines what MailWall does once an email is suspected of being Spam.
The settings are:
Mark as Spam (change subject line)
The subject line is modified to include “Possible Spam” and the email is delivered.
Move to Spam quarantine
The email is moved to MailWall Spam quarantine, Spam Quarantine settings are determined in the section “Reporting/ Spam Reporting”.
Do not scan for Spam
MailWall does not scan for Spam and all email is delivered (Note. all email is still scanned and processed at a pre-acceptance level for Spam and to prevent DDoS attacks).
After selecting the required setting then click “Save Spam Settings” to make your changes permanent.