How do I import users from Active directory

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How do I Import users from Active Directory

MailWall can automatically create a body of users with associated email addresses via a direct import from an existing Active Directory installation.

This process works by first exporting an LDIF file from your Active Directory installation then uploading that file via the MailWall dashboard.

Before you continue, you will need the following: Proficient level of understanding of Microsoft Windows Server (2003 or 2008) Administrator access to your Active Directory installation An Internet connection A Domain Admin or Reseller Admin privileged MailWall user account A workstation with a web browser capable of uploading files to websites

Use the following steps to import from Active Directory:

On the Active Directory server:

1. Open a command prompt and type the following:

ldifde -f Exportuser.ldf -d "dc=example,dc=ie" -p subtree -r "(|(&(objectCategory=group)(objectClass=Group)(mail=*))(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=User)(givenname=*)))" -l "samAccountName,cn,objectClass,memberOf,mail,proxyAddresses"

Replace dc=example,dc=ie with the domain to be exported E.g. dc=mailwall,dc=com in the case the domain name is

2. Copy the resulting file Exportuser.ldf to your local workstation. This step is necessary because the default settings on Internet Explorer, as installed on Microsoft Server, does not allow for files to be uploaded to websites.

  • On the MailWall dashboard:

3. Click oh the Domain name on the top navigation bar, then the Directory Services section, Select Upload from Active Directory


4. Click Browse and select the Exportuser.ldf file from your workstation then click OK


5. You are now presented with a screen mapping your Active Directory users with MailWall users. Should you not wish to include any users simply un-check the box next to their name. You are also given the opportunity to create passwords for the new MailWall users and email those passwords to the corresponding email addresses.

6. Click Import.

You have now imported the email addresses and associated them with MailWall users.