Category:How do I synchronise Outlook

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In order to synchronise your Outlook with Zimbra Contacts and Calendars you need to obtain a plugin for Outlook. Before proceeding please close your Outlook.

1. Download Bynari WebDAV Collaborator™ from:

by default it comes with 30-days evaluation period and after that time you can decide if you want to buy it.

2. Install Bynari WebDAV Collaborator™

3. Open Outlook and in the top panel you will notice 'WebDav Collaborator' menu.

a) click on 'Configure' and then 'Add'
b) select to which Outlook folder you want to map the remote content. You can create in Outlook more folders if needed (for example second calendar).
c) specify your username,password,email address and as Server URL ''
d) click on 'Detect Account Settings' and pick the desired item to synchronise
e) accept the new settings

4. In this way you can synchronise between Zimbra and Outlook multiple contact groups and calendars (including shared ones), however they have to be set in Zimbra first. That means if you want to synchronise shared calendar, you have to set the share in Zimbra first.

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