Blacklist Fix

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What do I do if I am on a blacklist?

  • If you have discovered you are on a blacklist, you need to find out whether you have a static or dynamic IP address. Most home, or Small office broadband connections get dynamic IP addresses. If you work as part of a larger organisation, or if you specifically asked for a static IP then you most likely have a static address. When in doubt you can contact your ISP.
  • If you have a dynamic IP, you can wait for your ip lease to run out, but as this could take a couple of days, it is not really practical. The best thing to do is to contact your ISP, as some providers have ways of changing your IP address quickly.
  • If you have a static IP address, it is safe to say that you have various configurations dependent on your IP address, and changing the IP address would cause further Headaches. If this is the case, you can try to have your address removed from the blacklist. You can contact the lists administrators, usually through their website, and explain your situation to them. Most are happy to remove you from the list if they feel you are not in the wrong.