When sending a attachment, what does a "SUSPECT FILE REMOVED" error mean in Zimbra

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FileNames: When sending a email attachment, what does a "SUSPECT FILE REMOVED" error mean?

  • When sending a attachment in a email, this error message may only appear if there is a mistake made in the naming of the file sent.
  • The "short name" is defined as everything in the filename that comes after the directory specification, if any, and before the first dot in the rest of the filename.
  • The short name cannot contain any dots, since everything after the first dot counts as the extension. Similarly, it can not contain colons, backslashes or slashes, since these would count as part of the directory. The short name may not begin or end with spaces.
  • For example, naming a file, MyBook./pdf would produce this error because everything after the dot is the extension and the slash / being positioned after the dot would affect the correct file extension named pdf. The correct file name would be MyBook.pdf
  • This would effect the recipient trying to view or open the file he or she recieves by email, so It's important to be careful when naming a file that you have the correct spelling as the extension